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Now we know that you would much rather train than watch videos of others training! So, every week, we release short training clips from Soke, Noguchi, Nagato, & some of the most experienced practitioners from around the world. These short videos are perfect for reminding you of training points, inspiring you to work on another aspect of the art, or to use as a teaching aid in your dojo.
Phillip Legare Shihan is the senior instructor and founder of the Bujinkan Taka Seigi Dojo, currently headquartered in Hawaii. Legare Shihan started his martial arts training in 1969 in New Orleans under SiLum Kung Fu Sifu Jerry Gibson. In 1977, he started training in Bujinkan with Sensei Shoen Fukuda in Aomori, Japan. He became a personal student of Soke Hatsumi, passing the Sakki Test and received Shidoshi and Godan menkyo in 1987. He was awarded the rank of Dai-Shihan in 2014 and is a licensed master instructor of Budo Taijutsu, in the Bujinkan Dojo, under Soke Masaaki Hatsumi. Mr. Legare was also awarded a Menkyo Kaiden (master's license) in Shinken Taijutsu (modern warfare) by Soke Hatsumi in 1995. He received this honor in recognition of the combatives systems he created that have been adopted by the Dept of Defense to protect personnel. Legare Shihan hosted three International TaiKai events for Hatusmi Sensei and was awarded four gold dragon medals for excellence.
Phil also is part owner of the largest craft gin distillery in Japan. TL-Pearce Distillery is a quick 2 stops away from the Hombu Dojo by train. Stop by when you are in Noda, Japan for training.
Dai-shihan Phil Legare
- Ray Baker, Bujinkan Shidoshi
I have been fortunate to have been able to train with such wonderful Shihan through Phil Sensei, and i have tried to discern what makes those Shihan so darn good! It has occured to me that they have such strong fundamentals! The website gives me the opportunity to study the fundamentals that those Shihan have and work on those aspects in my own training- it has become an invaluable resource in the progression of my own taijutsu!!
- Brent Earlewine, Bujinkan Shihan
One of the biggest values I find to the site is that I can always find a fresh idea for my student’s and I’s training. Everything from the basics from Noguchi for example all the way out to information and video clips from the latest seminar. The constantly refresh of the information brings me back month after month to see what is new and exciting!
- Robert Keaveny
Since beginning my training 8 months ago, the taka seigi website has been an invaluable resource for me. Any questions I’ve had between classes, on how to do a technique, kamae , etc… What better resource than videos of my teachers’ teachers(and quite a few of him too)….in-depth, with a solid look at our base, which is exactly what I need…keep up the great work and keep it coming
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